February 22, 2025

As I’ve mentioned before here, I moderate a board on Board Game Geek called What Couples Have Been Playing where those who game in pairs post the games post the games they’ve been playing along with some commentary.

The list has been growing since its inception with last year seeing 8,789 postings (up 959 from 2021) on 1,832 different games (up 134) from 179 individuals (up 7).

Here are the 50 most played games during 2022 by contributors to the list, along with the change in position from 2021. Each game gets one “play” per contributor per month. The original Geek List for this article also includes historical information back to 2018.

Expansions are totaled into the base game (i.e., listings for the European, Oceania or Asian expansions for Wingspan are included in the Wingspan count).

Games that were in the top 25 last year that did not make the top 50 this year:

  • Kingdomino (#19)
  • Homes: Sherlock & Mycroft (#22 (tie))
  • Dominion (#24 (tie))
  • Space Base (#24 (tie))

To contribute to our little group, go to the January list.

PositionGameChange from 2021
1Wingspan4th Straight Year at #1
2CascadiaUp 20 spots
3Lost Ruins of ArnakUp 6 spots
4AzulUp 1 spot
5Lost CitiesDown 3 spots
7The Castles of BurgundyUp 21 spots
8JaipurDown 5 spots
97 Wonders: DuelDown 6 spots
10 (tie)Ark NovaNew
10 (tie)TargiSame
12The Isle of CatsUp 15 spots
13ViticultureUp 18 spots
14Quacks of QuedlinburgUp 17 spots
15Terraforming MarsDown 2 spots
16That’s Pretty Clever!Up 32 spots
17 (tie)CarcassonneSame
17 (tie)PARKSSame
17 (tie)PatchworkDown 10 spots
20 (tie)Rajas of the GangesUp 42 spots
20 (tie)Welcome to…Up 1 spot
22 (tie)CalicoDown 11 spots
22 (tie)Grand Austria HotelUp 9 spots
24 (tie)Codenames: DuetDown 11 spots
24 (tie)MeadowUp 46 spots
26SagradaDown 6 spots
27The Quest for El DoradoDown 3 spots
28 (tie)The Crew: The Quest for Planet NoneSame
28 (tie)Race for the GalaxyUp 61 spots
28 (tie)Spirit IslandUp 12 spots
28 (tie)SplendorDown 15 spots
32Terraforming Mars: Ares ExpeditionNew
33 (tie)MandalaUp 15 spots
33 (tie)ObsessionDown 26 spots
33 (tie)Ticket to RideDown 17 spots
36 (tie)CanopyNew
36 (tie)CubitosUp 47
38Fantasy RealmsNew
39 (tie)Five TribesUp 35 spots
39 (tie)Res ArcanaDown 28 spots
41 (tie)CartographersDown 10 spots
41 (tie)Twice as Clever!New
43 (tie)Battle LineUp 5 spots
43 (tie)BotanikNew
43 (tie)Fantastic FactoriesUp 39 spots
43 (tie)HabitatsDown 8 spots
43 (tie)Piraten kapernUp 27 spots
43 (tie)Schotten TottenDown 7 spots
43 (tie)The Voyages of Marco PoloReturned for the first time since 2018
50 (tie)Carpe DiemReturned for the first time since 2019
50 (tie)Tussie MussieNew
50 (tie)Underwater CitiesUp 12 spots